Friday, October 14, 2016

Comparison - January 26 -> October 14 - 2016

Did a little fun comparison image of some of my earliest work to my latest (not counting the studies) since I started my little learning to draw push. Left is from the first half and the right is from the last few months.

Seeing it like this, even I can see I've grown some during this time. I couldn't have done it without the help of my mentors and all the feedback and support I've gotten from all of you. It feels so good to finally accept and overcoming the mental hurdles of "always having to do the best thing ever" and losing motivation (done it so many times) and just keeping at it and produce instead. 

I've gotten kids during the summer so there was a slight dip in material created while we've sorted out the routines / living with two babies... but I'm working my way up back now! There's zero loss of comittment on my end and I love drawing more than ever, 

I just need to find more of that precious thing called time. Since I also have to do a push for my VR/3D stuff there's not enough hours in a day. :)

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